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First Impressions Of Yale

First Impressions of Yale

It was not supposed to be me here.
This was my first thought when I saw all those centuries old buildings in contrast with the newer green leaves of the trees on the campus. But, I’m here. And I’m astonished. And my heart beats faster with every step ahead, as if it were the first day ofschool . And, you know, I have had a lot of first days in my life.

But, this is a different topic for another story.
The day starts with that known sensation of the unknown. That excitement of belonging to a new group made by so many different people from all over the world. I feel so small in front of this immensity. I feel alone in front of people with languages so different from mine.

I feel that my burden is much greater than that of the teenagers around me. Otherwise, I feel hope that comes with everything that is new.
A fresh start.
Yes, I’m the oldest girl in my English course. Probably the oldest in my other courses, too.
I've had many experiences in my life. I have a successful career as a doctor in my country. But, with 39 summers behind me, I've learned with the time that I don't need to be defined by my career. I've learned that life is like a LEGO castle in that I can always add another skill. I've learned that life isn’t a line between two points. I've had downs and hills and curves in my path. That is why I’m here. To add another piece to my castle. I’m that happy girl that will enter the class and smile for you.

Why am I so happy? Because I don’t have the pressure to be someone now. I have a blank page in front of me and I can fill the blanks with new words, colors and possibilities.
There is no perfection, only resilience.
This is just the beggining.
I hope you enjoy the view with me.


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